Rossville, Indiana, nestled within the heartland of the United States, is a charming, small town profoundly steeped in tradition and known for its strong sense of community. As an emblem of rural life, it is marked by expansive farmlands, quaint residential settings, and a serene atmosphere. Offering small town security and simplicity amid the fast-paced, modern world, Rossville graces its inhabitants with quality schools, local businesses, and a mix of recreational parks. The annual summer festival, 'Rossville Summer's End Festival,' stands as a highlight, celebrating the town's unique spirit, unity, and history. The simplicity and tranquility of Rossville truly make it the picturesque embodiment of small-town America.
Tipton Ford is Rossville's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 965 East Jefferson, Tipton, IN 46072.