Converse, Indiana, is a quaint, charming town located in the heartland of America, filled with rich history and a tightly-knit community. Nestled in both Grant and Miami counties, this peace-loving town is home to approximately 1,000 residents who pride themselves on their local heritage and strong community bonds. Historically a successful agricultural community, Converse is punctuated by serene landscapes and picturesque Americana streets. Despite its small size, the town boasts remarkable local businesses, events, and recreational opportunities, providing a unique blend of Midwestern charm blended with the opportunities of modern, rural living. There's a special tranquility living in Converse, making it a beloved hometown to its residents and a quaint discovery for visitors.
Tipton Ford is Converse's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 965 East Jefferson, Tipton, IN 46072.